Software Testing
Software testing is the act of checking whether software satisfies expectations. Software testing can provide objective, independent information about the quality of software and the risk of its failure to a user or sponsor.
- Introduction to java
- JDK installation
- Keywords, Identifiers, variables
- Operators
- Method/Functions
- Flow Control Statements
- Arrays
- Strings
- Interactive programs in java using Scanner
- Object Oriented Programming System
- Classes and Objects
- Object creation
- Reference variable
- Global and local variables
- Constructors
- Aggregation
- Composition
- Inheritance
- Method Overloading
- Method Overriding
- Abstract classes
- Interfaces
- Typecasting
- JVM architecture
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Java packages
- Access Specifies
- Overview of java API
- Object class
- String, String Buffer and String Builder
- Exception Handling
- Threads and multithreading
- Wrapper Classes
- Data Structures
- File Handling
- Serialization
- Garbage Collector – Encapsulation
- Static testing
- Dynamic testing
- Verification
- Validation
- SDLC Models
- Agile
- 7 Principles
- Types of MT
- Testing techniques
- Black box testing
- White box testing
- Functional testing
- Unit testing
- Test cases
- Integration testing
- Big bang testing
- Incremental testing
- Sandwich testing
- System testing
- Regression testing
- Smoke testing
- Sanity testing
- Boundary value analysis
- State transition testing
- Decision table testing
- User acceptance testing
- Non functional testing
- Functional testing
- Defect/Bug lifecycle
- Use case testing
- Test documentation
- Requirements traceability matrix (RTM)
Selenium Test NG
- Automation Testing
- What is Automation Testing?
- When we Switch to Automation Testing?
- Why Automation testing?/Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Automation Testing Tools
- What is Selenium
- Why Selenium? / Advantages
- What are its versions?
- What all OS, Browsers, and Programming Languages it Support?
- Java-Selenium Architecture
- WebDriver Architecture
- Basic Selenium Program to Open and close Browser
- Runtime Polymorphism Program in Selenium
- WebDriver abstract methods
- Locators
- Xpath, its Types and cases
- Handling Multiple Elements
- Handling Synchronisation issue by using implicitlyWait and Explicitly Wait
- Handling Dropdown (static and dynamic)
- Handling Keyboard and Mouse Actions
- Taking Screenshot
- Handling Disabled Element
- Performing Scroll down Action
- WebElement Interface Methods
- Handling Popups (web-based and Window-based)
- Handling Frames
- Handling New Windows/New Tabs
- Automation Framework
- POM (Page Object Model)
- TestNG
- Fetching TestNG Report
- Batch Execution
- TestNG Flags and Annotations
- Assertion
- Grouping Execution
- Data Parameterisation
- Data driven through DataProvider
- Parallel Execution
- Distributed Parallel Execution
- Cross Browser Parallel Execution
- SQL Introduction
- SQL Syntax
- SQL Select
- SQL Select Distinct
- Unique
- SQL Where
- Comments
- Column Aliasing
- SQL Order By
- Relational Operators
- SQL And
- SQL Or
- SQL Not
- Dual table
- Single and Multiple Column Sorting
- SQL Insert Into
- SQL Null Values
- SQL Update
- SQL Delete
- SQL Like Operator
- SQL Wildcards
- SQL In
- SQL Between
- SQL Aliases
- SQL Aggregate Functions
- SQL Min and Max
- SQL Count
- SQL Sum
- SQL Avg
- SQL Variance
- SQL Standard Deviation
- SQL Group by Single and Multiple Column
- SQL Having
- Scalar Functions
- Numeric Functions
- String Functions
- Date Time Functions
- Conversion Functions
- Tables
- SQL Create Table
- SQL Drop Table
- SQL Alter Table
- Primary Key
- Foreign Key
- SQL Constraints
- SQL Not Null
- SQL Check
- SQL Default
- SQL Joins
- SQL Inner Join
- SQL Left Join
- SQL Right Join
- SQL Full Join
- Cross Join
- SQL Self Join
- Natural Join
- Set Operators
- SQL Union
- Intersect
- Minus
- Union all
- SQL Case
- Sub Queries
- Single and multi row
- Multi column sub queries
- SQL Views
- Synonyms
- Indexes
- Sequences
- Data Dictionary
- Analytical Functions
- Raking
- Row_Number
- Rank
- Dense Rank
Frequently asked questions
Some of the most common questions.
What is meant by software testing?
What is software testing? Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or application does what it’s supposed to do.
What are software testing tools?
Software Testing tools are the tools that are used for the testing of software. Software testing tools are often used to assure firmness, thoroughness, and performance in testing software products. Unit testing and subsequent integration testing can be performed by software testing tools.
Why is testing required?
Automation testing can actually deliver better results because of its ability for increased test coverage. Manual testing can only cover a certain number of device and OS permutations. But automated testing can cover many more.
What is SDLC in programming?
The software development lifecycle (SDLC) is the cost-effective and time-efficient process that development teams use to design and build high-quality software.